Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thoughts on my Europe Trip

So since I will be in Dublin and Florence this summer, taking a couple courses, I decided to visit London, Paris and Venice while I am there. I will be in Dublin for 6 days, Belfast for 1, and Florence for 7 days. I already added 3 days in London and Paris, and a couple days in Venice.

Wellllll... apparently that just wasn't enough for me. I am seriously considering adding on another 2 weeks or so to visit Greece:

Mmmmm Athens:) Can't go wrong there!
and Turkey:

I have been wanting to visit Istanbul for forever and am having a hard time passing up the opportunity to shoot on over there since I will be so close! Yes, I have to see the famous Blue Mosque buuuut, more importantly, shopping at the Grand Bazaar!:

My alternative to Greece and Turkey would be Spain and Morocco:

Madrid-- ohhhh the food, the shopping, the culture.

Casablanca-- gorgeous city on the ocean.

Ideas? Thoughts?