Monday, December 31, 2012

Year in Review Part 2- 2012

Yet another year gone by. Friends got married (quite a few actually!), people had babies, I stayed the same... and traveled a little. Here's a quick highlight reel:

Stars Casino Night! One of my favorite nights of the year. Feeling particularly nostalgic about it since we won't be having it this year because of that damn strike. Anyway, love me some Ralphie and his glasses!

Ahhhh St. Paddy's Day on Greenville Ave. My favorite non-holiday holiday. And that's all I have to say about that (insert appropriate Forrest Gump voice).

Kimberly Purple had a baby. Baby Harry!! Yay! He is no longer a baby baby anymore.

Girls night, girls night, girls night!!! Definitely a must for sanity reasons. Bottom left is Hannah's bachelorette party (yay marriage) and right waaassss Zaza's pool opening?? Yeah- pretty sure. And up top was for no good reason than because we can.

Ahhhh Europeeeeee. God I miss it. Top row- left is Belfast, right is Paris. Middle row is Dublin and bottom row- left is Rome and right is Barcelona... Want. to. go. backkkk. 

September 29th- Danny and Priscilla got married!!! So since the actual wedding pictures aren't available, had to commemorate it with a party favor of me and Angie. 

Halloweeny. Yep- we're loofahs. It was awesome. 

Guess who got PADI certified?!? This one, right here, did:)

And last, but certainly not least, Christmas in Cozumel with the fam. Not a bad year!!

Lessons learned?? 
Have faith in something, anything. Don't push off until tomorrow what you want to do today. Everything is exactly as it's supposed to be. The greatest indulgence is doing what you want to do and not feeling guilty about it.

Here's to an amazing and even better 2013. Happy New Year!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

some of my designs

I love designing invitations and the like. I would totes do it for a living. Here's the latest and greatest!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thoughts on my Europe Trip

So since I will be in Dublin and Florence this summer, taking a couple courses, I decided to visit London, Paris and Venice while I am there. I will be in Dublin for 6 days, Belfast for 1, and Florence for 7 days. I already added 3 days in London and Paris, and a couple days in Venice.

Wellllll... apparently that just wasn't enough for me. I am seriously considering adding on another 2 weeks or so to visit Greece:

Mmmmm Athens:) Can't go wrong there!
and Turkey:

I have been wanting to visit Istanbul for forever and am having a hard time passing up the opportunity to shoot on over there since I will be so close! Yes, I have to see the famous Blue Mosque buuuut, more importantly, shopping at the Grand Bazaar!:

My alternative to Greece and Turkey would be Spain and Morocco:

Madrid-- ohhhh the food, the shopping, the culture.

Casablanca-- gorgeous city on the ocean.

Ideas? Thoughts?