Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in review

2011 was filled with so much that it seems like it just flew by. I decided to put together a sort of highlight reel in anticipation of starting over.

NYE 2011- I have few memories of it... I have no pictures... I'm pretty sure it happened though. Let's just fast forward a week to my 25th birthday:
Ah yes- I remember much more of this night. It was a great birthday, filled with great friends (only a few of which are pictured here). In fact, my Quarter Century was so great, I decided it couldn't be topped and I will celebrate my birthday no more (and has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I keep getting older and just can't seem to figure out how to stop that...)

Next up?

Oh the freak Texas snow in February. Puck had so much fun with it; he looked like a retarded gazelle prancing and hopping through the cold, fluffy foreign-ness. His favorite- me making snowballs and throwing them at him so he can chomp on them mid-air. My favorite- nearly having a heart attack when he ran down the embankment and strutted down the semi-frozen over stream.

Mmmm. My family's annual star-gazing extravaganza. Please pay no attention to the way my BCBG dress make my thighs look like the fake doctor's who injected herself with cement (see link if you missed that super awesome news story FoxNews). Dallas Stars Casino Night was in March this year and I was super excited, as you can see, to spend some time with Mike Ribeiro. He missed the last one because of that pesky tracheotomy surgery he had to have. Him holding me thisclose for the pic... definitely the high point of the night. Low point? Brad Richards didn't ask me to marry him. Damn.

Moving on...

GIRLS NIGHTS!!! Top: In March, at Frankie's in Uptown. Middle: In July, at Mercy Wine Bar in Addison. Bottom: In October, at Denim and Diamonds in Dallas. Waaaaaay too much fun, and necessary for my sanity. Love my girls-- Angie, Carrie, Hannah, Jessica, Kim and Prissy <-and that was purposely in alphabetical order;P

Summer in a nutshell:

Party Cove on Lake Lewisville. Can you spot me?? Creepy fact- I have no idea who took this picture, I just happened to run across it one day.
Going back to school!! I'm such a dork for loving school so much but I don't know why it took me so long to go back. Well... better 3 years later than never!

Floating the Guadalupe River. Summer time staple for us Texans. Word to the wise- 20 something people on the same river trip is way too stressful for the activity. Oh and one more suggestion- stay in Austin that night... because dinner at Appleby's and hanging out at the Days Inn Bar is really NOT a good look for anyone.

Let's see whats next...

Oh the Journey concert in September. This was actually a work party (yes, my work is awesome) to celebrate the end of Rush (that busy time at college bookstores after classes start for the semester). This night was filled with a lot of drinking, a lot of singing, and a lot of making fun of other concert-goers for their wardrobe choices... It may be a Journey concert, but we are still living in 2011, not 1982... just sayin.

October 1st, 2011. One of my besties got married!! It was a beautiful wedding with the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Side note- our dresses were purple... the picture is very misleading.

Fast forward to

 December. Ahhhh... Christmas time in Manhattan. Actually anytime in Manhattan. It was INCREDIBLE and there is soooooo much. Visit to the 9/11 Memorial- check. What else was on the itinerary you ask?? Well-- shopping at Bloomingdales (sigh), shopping on 5th Avenue (BIG sigh), shopping at Century 21, manicure in Chelsea, Chinese in Chinatown, steak dinner at Benjamin's, hot dogs at Gray's Papaya, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, and a Broadway play (Book of Mormon was HYSTERICAL). Mix in some other random activities and food choices and you have yourself an extra special NYC trip that leaves you exhausted when you get home (and also a little bored because there is just not as much to do anywhere else!).

Lessons learned in 2011: Quit while you're ahead. Be the leading role in your own life. Sometimes, no matter what you do, some things are supposed to happen. Get over it- it is what it is. Nobody makes you unhappy, you choose to be unhappy; instead, choose to not be unhappy.

Here's to 2012!!